Sunday, June 29, 2014

Learning Shapes Will Be A Hoot!

It's safe to say that Pinterest is really inspiring the decor for my classroom. I had an hour of free time on Sunday and decided to knock out another Pinterest project. My classroom has wall to wall bulletin boards that I have to cover, so I decided to have a shape bulletin board where all the shapes are owls. 

No need for a tutuorial. I used a template, so it's basically download, print, cut, glue. Extremely simple. 

Helpful hint: My only tip for this is to fold your construction paper into fourths and eighths on repetitive items like the eyes and noses.

Owl shape template found HERE.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Crate Seat Tutorial

Hello all you educators & DIY mommies! I'm sure you're like me and you've seen these seats all over Pinterest. After seeing them, I knew I wanted to make crate seats for my first classroom. Coincidentally they happened to be my first DIY project for my class and they turned out pretty darn good.

Although these seemed like a great idea and are extremely cute, I had no clue these would quickly become a very pricey project. This is not a project I would suggest you do if you are on a budget. It costs about $26 for me to make each seat.

Now for the tutorial... which is why you're actually reading this post.

  • 6 Sterilite file crates ($50)
  • 1 large sheet of wood ($22)
  • 3 yards of fabric ($18)
  • Spray adhesive ($6)
  • Staple gun ($30)
  • Scissors
  • 1 Sharpie
  • Hammer (optional)
  • 6 ft of foam padding ($30)
*All prices listed are estimates... rounded figures of what I actually paid.

Step 1:
Have a home improvement store (Home Depot, Lowes, etc) cut a large sheet of wood to fit snugly into your crate's opening.

Step 2:
Roll out your foam padding. Trace the outline of each piece of wood individually with a Sharpie onto the padding. Then cut each piece of foam you traced.

Step 3:
Glue your foam cut outs to the wood cut outs using spray adhesive. Let this dry for 20 minutes to an hour.
I forgot to take a picture of this step, so I had to take a picture of the last seat I made which I had to piece together using left over foam... sorry. 

Step 4:
Cover each of your cushions with half yard of your fabric. I suggest wrapping it similar to a how you wrap a present. Secure the fabric with plenty of staples using your staple gun. If staples don't go through completely just use a hammer to bang them in good.

Step Five: 
Place your covered cushion in the opening of the crate. 

That's it! It's really that simple. Happy crafting. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chevron Fun

First, I think we should take a second to acknowledge that this is my first post on my “big girl” blog. Yay! Now moving right along… I've noticed that summer time has not aided in me being very fashionable nor productive. I've literally been bare faced and clothed in t-shirts and shorts since summer began. In typical Sunday fashion I went to church, but I didn't wear my usual boring attire… decided to spice it up and wore this beautiful chevron dress. Hope you guys enjoy this ootd.

Dress: Factory Connection | Jewlery: It's Fashion Metro

Nail Info: Sinful Colors Mint Apple & Sinful Colors All About You